الخميس، 18 أكتوبر 2012

Dimensionless World

I always have a question in my head: 
Is it possible for the human to imagine a Fifth "5th" dimension world? What about the 6th or the 7th worlds?

https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/10/16/e4H1g7ghfE6YXe8hruyX8Q2.jpgIt's kinda wierd, I know. But this Picture triggered the question.

For us, we can draw a 2-D world in a peice of paper. Or just press the pen-head over the paper, and that small dot will be the 1-D world. But I could NOT imagine what the 0-D world would be.

This chain of thoughts will remain continuous until it finds its way to a really REALLY good answer.

The whole revolutionary physics nowadays came with the brilliant idea of the space-time equation, which has been introduced by Albert Einstein.The ideas that came afterwards, and they still coming up, are strange but daring so much, that people reject them immediatly

NOW, let's challenge and re-ask ourselves the question once again:

What would the 5-D world look like?

I wish I could show you my 5-D world!!!

See ya soon